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Santa's run for a Great Claus

Graham Hyland

The first Santa Run took place in Bettystown last Sunday 7th of December.

The event was an outright sucess and the whole community embraced the event with open arms, white beards and some with dark shades!

There were over 360 Santa's who took part and the event raised funds for the development of the athletic club and St Vincent DePaul.

Santa's Little Helpers Start

Santas took to the roads of bettystown in all forms, and they represented communities from all Meath , Louth , Dublin and the event even attracted international santa's with santa's running europe , north america and canada.

The Santas ran, walked and pushed buggies from the outskirts of the community and made their way through this beautiful village onto the beach to finish in style!

Mammies, daddies , brothers and sisters were in awe of the huge santa gantry as they ran under to complete the event and claim their well earned finisher ribbon!

Well the wheels are in motion for next years event which Promises to build on the sucess of this.

Thanks to Drogheda life for the Video of the day from the 3k Start


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